EO Member Spotlight

EO Member Spotlight
Christy Pretzinger

WG Content

Member Since: 28 April 2016

Christy Pretzinger: WriterGirl and WonderWriter Academy 

How long have you been a member of EO? 3 years.

Favorite part of being in EO? The people. So refrshing to have people who understand me.

What’s one thing you wished you knew when you first started your business? The language of accounting. Would have saved me millions!

Biggest goal for 2019 (personally, professionally or both)? Not a goal setter, per se.

Favorite personal development book and why? Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. I love her leadership teaching. She has changed how I lead for the better.

What’s your personal motto or quote you like to live by? I am satisfied with where I am and eager for more.

Favorite travel destination? Too many to list.

Best thing you’ve checked off your bucket list to date? Don’t have a bucket list!

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