
Get to know the CULTure that delivers your pizza

Article by:
EO Global

17 January 2012 – Gung Ho Pizza founders Ja​de Gray and John O’Loghlen, and Marketing Ninja Rich Akers give us a glimpse of the inner workings of their company culture.

You guys refer to Jade as the fearless leader. Tell me a little bit more about that.

RA: Jade always says that you should lead from the front. You can’t expect your people to live the company CULTure if you’re not living it yourself, and that means that you have to live and breathe it in every little way. That is what we do.

So what does Company CULTure mean to you, and how do you train your staff in it?

JO: Energy Alignment is the fundamental goal of Company CULTure. Company culture will develop in your organization whether you want it to or not, all you have control over is what type of culture will form. You have the power to turn it into Company CULTure. Typically if you ignore this fact, then a negative company culture will eventually form, so we like to be super proactive on this and nurture a positively charged one from the get go. When positive energy is harnessed and aligned to move in the same direction, great things happen.

Read the entire interview at [ AgendaBeijing.com ]. ​​​​

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