Upcoming Events

Connecting Europe

27 September 2024 09:00 AM (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Venue: Mallorca
Location: Spain

  • Discover the Magic of Mallorca at the Connecting Europe Event!🌟🏝

Join us on Friday, September 27, 2024 for an extraordinary day of fun, fitness, camaraderie, and inspiration at the Connecting Europe on the beautiful island of Mallorca. Enjoy the island's stunning scenery and perfect weather, and consider extending your stay through the weekend to make the most of this idyllic destination!

EO goes Oktoberfest 2024

2 October 2024 11:30 AM (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Venue: Almstüberl & Hofbräuzelt
Location: Munich, Germany

From Global Insights to Local Celebrations - Connect, Inspire

& Celebrate at EO Munich’s Oktoberfest

Join us for a unique and exclusive Oktoberfest experience that transcends borders, hosted by EO Munich. This year, we’re bringing together EO members from around the globe for an unforgettable day!

Sold out - If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email us at [email protected].

Accelerator Learning Day | STRATEGY

17 October 2024 08:30 AM (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Venue: RSM Sydney
Location: Sydney, Australia

Guest Trainer - Kym Huynh

Do you procrastinate or feel underwhelmed by your ability to grow your business?
Are you getting stale?
How confident are you about your future and your business's ability to innovate?
It's time to nail down your strategy. Move beyond words and pipedreams into a world of strategies you'll execute and will grow your business.
Create sustainable top line growth - the keys;

  1. - Knowing your core customer
  2. - Developing a clear brand promise
  3. - Create your BHAG® (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) for sustainable revenue growth

The Accelerator Workshops are some of the top-rated programmes at EO

Open to Accelerators, Key Execs, Members with a Key Exec in the Program, and $100 for Members WITHOUT a Key Exec in the Program

Accelerator Learning Day | PEOPLE

20 February 2025 08:30 AM (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Venue: RSM Sydney
Location: Sydney, Australia

Guest Trainer - Kym Huynh

Growth companies’ most difficult decisions involve getting the right people in the right seats. Is everyone in your company aligned, pulling their weight, and contributing as they should.


  1. Create, Revisit or Fine-tune your Core Values
  2. Curate your Dream Culture and bring it to life
  3. How to scale your team sustainability to support your business growth
Open to Accelerators, Key Execs, Members with a Key Exec in the Program, and $100 for Members WITHOUT a Key Exec in the Program

Accelerator Learning Day | EXECUTION

7 May 2025 08:30 AM (GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Venue: RSM Sydney
Location: Sydney, Australia

Guest Trainer - Kym Huynh

Tightening up your execution habits can dramatically improve your gross margins and profitability while reducing the time it takes to get work done.

We're focusing on how to improve the repeatability and efficiency of your organisation, as well as how to document, measure, and improve your core processes.

Plus, we'll be talking about how to do process and accountability mapping with your team.
Join us for this event and learn how to improve your organisation's efficiency and effectiveness.

Open to Accelerators, Key Execs, Members with a Key Exec in the Program, and $100 for Members WITHOUT a Key Exec in the Program

17,000+ Members

213 Chapters

60+ Countries

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    Conditions of EO Membership Application and Renewal:
    Every member who applies or renews their membership agrees to comply with the Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct of Entrepreneurs' Organization. Current members must complete the online renewal form acknowledging review of the organization's Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and Code of Conduct.