EOS - Daniel Davis

Francesca Lever Integrator (+61) 0402 443 737 [email protected] Level 6, 116 Military Rd, Neutral Bay NSW 2089 AU

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.danieldavis.com.au/

In 2014, Daniel read TRACTION and discovered EOS – he immediately knew it was the holistic and simple answer that he had been looking for. Daniel loved what he read so much that he went on to become the first EOS Implementer in Asia Pacific, and made it his mission to bring EOS to the region. Having delivered hundreds of full-day sessions with dozens of leadership teams, he is a master of the EOS Model, Process and Tools.

Daniel loves that he can combine his first-hand experience as an entrepreneur with the power of EOS, to help others get what they want from their business and life.

In addition, since 2017, Daniel has been trusted by EOS Worldwide to expand the brand internationally. As the Community Leader for the Australia and New Zealand region he trains and prepares EOS Implementers for a successful journey to EOS Mastery.

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