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Create Your Own Lallapalooza Brand for Happy Customers and Increased Profits

April 8, 2015

By Jason Forrest, an EO Fort Worth member and CEO of Forrest Performance Group Warren Buffett has established himself as a "lollapalooza"--an extraordinary person or event. Jason shares how other companies have created lollapalooza brands and how you can do the same. The inspiring examples demonstrate how entrepreneurs can build lollapalooza brands to stand out in

By Jason Forrest, an EO Fort Worth member and CEO of Forrest Performance Group

Warren Buffett has established himself as a “lollapalooza”–an extraordinary person or event. Jason shares how other companies have created lollapalooza brands and how you can do the same. The inspiring examples demonstrate how entrepreneurs can build lollapalooza brands to stand out in the industry while also increasing profit and customer satisfaction