Eligibility Procedures
Updated: 25 May 2023
1.0 Non-Profit Eligibility
1.1 Prior to processing the non-profit qualifying business applications, the chapter shall provide written notice by email to membership@eonetwork.org of the non-profit qualifying business membership application.
1.2 The chapter manager and EO’s Global Member Processing team shall track and evaluate such membership applications.
2.0 Members Who Have Sold Businesses
2.1 Members selling interests/stakes in their Qualifying Businesses must submit documentation verifying the business sale, including a business sale verification form, to their chapter.
2.2 Once submitted and verified, the member is considered qualified for all renewal years in the future.
2.3 Members who do not qualify will be granted a grace period of twelve (12) months and may still renew their membership.
3.0 Currency Considerations for Membership Eligibility
3.1 New members
3.1.1 Exchange rates: When a member first joins EO, the applicant’s business must have the equivalent of US $1,000,000.00 in annual gross revenues or annual billing commissions (venture-backed companies qualify pursuant to the amounts set forth in the Policies and Procedures). For prospective members who conduct business in one or more currencies other than US dollars, the current exchange rates at the date of application should be used to determine the US dollar equivalent revenue or other financial calculations.
3.1.2 Devaluation: Prospective members of EO residing in countries experiencing substantial devaluation of their national currency during the year preceding the date of the prospective member’s application may, for purposes of meeting quantitative requirements for membership, use the exchange rate on a date up to three (3) years prior to the date of the application for membership. Substantial devaluation is interpreted to mean a devaluation of 20% or more of the value of the currency with respect to the US dollar during the year preceding the date of their membership application.
3.2 Renewing members
3.2.1 At the time of annual membership renewal, members conducting business in currencies other than US dollars shall determine the US dollar equivalent for the purpose of maintaining financial requirements. Renewing members may use either the exchange rate at the time they joined EO or the current exchange rate in determining compliance with current financial membership requirements.
4.0 Multiple Chapter Membership
4.1 Members with multiple chapter memberships may participate in Forum, attend chapter events, and enjoy all other chapter benefits in all of their chapters, provided they have paid chapter dues to each chapter in addition to their global membership dues, and meet all other individual chapter requirements.
4.2 The secondary chapter must submit a dual membership request form to EO once they have completed any local vetting processes.
4.3 Once EO receives the completed form, the member’s chapter designation will be modified in their profile.
4.4 Such members must select which chapter will be listed as the “primary” chapter on EO Hub.
4.5 In no event shall any member be permitted to participate in any Forum or other benefits of a chapter of which they are not an authorized, approved member in good standing.
5.0 Chapter Transfers
5.1 In the event a member wishes to transfer their membership from one chapter to another, the member’s current chapter must be notified, and the new chapter must approve the transfer, collect the corresponding local dues, and notify EO using this form.
5.2 EO will update the member’s profile, and the new chapter will be reflected accurately on EO Hub.
5.3 Local dues payment arrangements should be handled directly between the two (2) chapters.
6.0 On-Leave Status
6.1 On-leave status allows members to take a short-term absence from EO in order to focus on family, illness, or other personal issues.
6.2 Depending on the timing of the period of leave taken, the member will have a credit against their membership dues resulting in a reduced balance for the following year or have their membership period extended for the period of leave taken.
6.3 No refunds will be issued.
6.4 When on-leave status is approved, members are recorded as “inactive.” During this time, members do not have access to any member benefits, including Forum. Members on leave will have their access to the EO Hub website suspended while they are away.
6.5 Existing EO members in good standing for at least three (3) years may apply.
6.6 The qualifying time for pregnancy/parental leave and long-term illness or sickness are waived.
6.7 Members can apply for on-leave status here. Once their application has been verified and approved by the Member Services Center and the chapter, the member’s status will be changed to on-leave.
6.8 The following circumstances are eligible for on-leave status:
- Pregnancy/parental leave, which includes the birth or adoption of a child – no qualifying time
- Long-term illness or sickness – no qualifying time
- Back to school (study leave)
- Business implosion (e.g., 25% decrease in turnover or other exceptional business circumstance)
- Regional political turmoil or instability
- Economic recession
- Natural disaster
- Military leave
7.0 Honorary Lifetime Membership Status
7.1 The Board may, in its sole discretion, waive global dues in perpetuity for certain members who demonstrate exceptional service and commitment to EO.
7.2 Such members who have been awarded honorary lifetime status by a written decision
by the Board are exempt from EO's mandatory requirement to be a member of both
an authorized chapter and the global organization.
8.0 At-Large Membership Status
8.1 As of 1 July 2023, EO no longer recognizes at-large as a membership status.
8.2 Current at-large members will be given a period of twelve (12) months from 1 July 2023 to join an authorized chapter.
Should a current at-large member decide to not join an existing EO chapter by or before 1 July 2024, their membership in EO will end, effective as of 1 July 2024.
Below are appointed team members for each stage of RAPID process:
Recommend | Agree | Perform | Input | Decide |
VP of Membership Operations | Staff Legal Counsel | Staff Director of Global Member Processing | Growth Portfolio Chair, Applicable Growth Portfolio | Chief Executive Officer |
Members, Growth Portfolio Staff Liaison |