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4 Reasons Video Content is an Effective Marketing Tool

December 3, 2014

by Frank Vitteta, an Overdrive contributor and Online Marketing Executive Manager of Knice Creative A successful marketing campaign is essential for any business to thrive within their market. With the increasingly important need to have a presence on social media, video content is an effective marketing tool that will generate more benefits than any other

by Frank Vitteta, an Overdrive contributor and Online Marketing Executive Manager of Knice Creative

A successful marketing campaign is essential for any business to thrive within their market. With the increasingly important need to have a presence on social media, video content is an effective marketing tool that will generate more benefits than any other method.

Here are four ways that video content can contribute to your business’ marketing strategy:

Establish both reliability and connection

People need to establish a connection with something or someone in order to build trust. Video content can allow a business to build this in ways that no other content can. Your business can reach viewers on a personal level by creating an emotional response with visuals. By marketing this side of your business, viewers can quickly be turned into consumers that are interested in who you are and what you do.

A social media relationship

People are constantly networking with social media on computers, smart phones and tablets. They’re always looking for things to share or send to friends and family, and video content is the form in which much of this contact occurs. This sort of engagement is something businesses are beginning to take more advantage because its cost efficient and can reach a global audience quicker than any other means.

Creating a better image

The key to a video marketing plan is to keep in mind the need for a memorable image that viewers can relate with. People respond to video content based on emotional topics that can directly effect their decision making process. A visual image that correlates with emotion will be the most effective form of marketing in the foreseeable future and improving the chance of attracting consumers to your business.

Search engines expand your reach

Search engines like Google, Bing, Ask and Yahoo all depend on optimisation for result listings. There are a variety of factors that affect how a listing is ranked. Video content is considered the most engaging source of content that will influence where your company stands on a search engine’s placement. Therefore, if your business begins to place an emphasis on video marketing, your audience will grow along with your presence in search results and social media.

In order for a business to stay relevant and have a strong presence on popular search engines, there needs to be a constant flow of information-rich content. Linking your video content on YouTube, along with your website and across social media platforms will drastically improve your online presence and can potentially double the amount of views you get online!


By taking these simple steps and implementing video content in your business’ marketing strategy, you will be able to reach a great deal of your potential customers and have a much stronger presence online.