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5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Cash Flow

By FedEx Get Ahead. If your company is a typical business-to-business operation, your billing cycle starts when your product is shipped or delivered to your customers. Getting paid as soon as possible is critical to keeping your business running smoothly. FedEx features the tools and services you need to streamline your supply chain, improve your

July 12, 2012

Four Rules of Building Customer Loyalty

By Brian Tracy, professional speaker, best-selling author and success expert If sales are the engine that drives your business, then good customer service and building a high level of customer satisfaction is the fuel. Your ability to satisfy your customers to gain customer loyalty is the critical determinant of your success in driving sales and

May 31, 2012

Six Steps to Build Your Team from the Ground Up

By Dean M. Brenner, president of The Latimer Group and author of SHARING THE SANDBOX: Building and Leading World-Class Teams in the 21st Century. Brenner is an accomplished executive coach, public speaker, and an Olympic-caliber athlete.  A member of the US National Sailing Team for three years, he marched as Team Leader in the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing, China in 2008.

May 10, 2012

Employee Engagement – A Leading Indicator of Employee Retention

By Beth Armknecht Miller, president and executive coach at Executive Velocity, Inc. A June 2008 Employee Engagement Survey by HR Solutions of Chicago revealed that employees were more engaged with their work when they felt: Supported by their manager when making suggestions to correct work place problems Valued and recognized as an important part of

April 9, 2012

Driving Employee Engagement Through Coaching

By Beth Armknecht Miller, president and executive coach at Executive Velocity, Inc. Employee engagement is important for retaining good employees, increasing customer satisfaction and ultimately increasing profits. In First Break all the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently, Marcus Buckingham describes the factors which lead to an effective workplace and concludes that an employee’s manager,

March 20, 2012

8 Qualities of Remarkable Employees

Hey, Overdrive readers! I just came across this awesome article on what makes employees remarkable. Check it out below! By Jeff Haden, columnist at Great employees are reliable, dependable, proactive, diligent, great leaders and great followers... they possess a wide range of easily-defined—but hard to find—qualities. A few hit the next level. purchase

March 14, 2012