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A Next Generation QR Code Will Revolutionize m-commerce
By Robert H. Bloom, author of The New Experts A next generation QR Code will revolutionize m-commerceThe QR code is now enjoying remarkable success in Japan, the Netherlands, and South Korea. Although, the rest of the world – including the Euro Zone and North America - has been slow to adopt it, during the lastValue Creation through Social Responsibility
By Laura Lomow, and EO Winnipeg member and president of AQ Group Solutions. Recently, I had the privilege to plan and execute a very successful social-action project with an amazing team of dedicated people. Our goal was to “fill empty bowls” for Winnipeg Harvest, a food bank that distributes more than 10 million pounds of food annually to moreBehind Every Successful Man, There is a Well-Crafted Personal Brand
By Aditi Thakur Sharma, marketing expert and founder of GirlTalksMarketing.com. We all must have heard of the age-old statement: Behind every successful man, there is a woman! Well, being a woman, I do feel fantastic about the statement, but well, let me put across another view. It's always good to have multiple views to deliberateWork Teams: Internal and External Influences on Performance
Contributed by Dr. Todd Harris, a director of research at PI and an expert in industrial and organizational psychology. Todd has advised clients, ranging from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies, on leadership, personality assessment and talent management.