Stories + Resources Insights for Entrepreneurs
Explore our curated content hub for entrepreneurs. Dive into expert insights, success stories, and practical advice to fuel your business growth and personal development.
Work Teams: Internal and External Influences on Performance
Contributed by Dr. Todd Harris, a director of research at PI and an expert in industrial and organizational psychology. Todd has advised clients, ranging from small businesses to Fortune 100 companies, on leadership, personality assessment and talent management.
Make the Banker Your Best Friend
Kristen is the co-founder and owner of Portfolio Creative, a workforce innovation firm that was named the 326th fastest- growing company in the US by Inc. magazine in 2009.
Barter: The Ultimate Efficiency Tool
Bob is the founder and CEO of Bizxchange, a barter and trade exchange, and is recognized internationally for his accomplishments in the barter industry.
Cash is King: Managing Business Finances
William is the CEO of stave Financial Systems, a software company that sells incentive compensation solutions to financial services firms. To reach William, you can e-mail him at wlieberman@xtiva.com.
The Power of Incentive Travel
Shravan is the managing director of Travel Tours Pvt. Ltd., a travel services company with clients around the world. Travel Tour’s vision is to make a borderless world where travel is both easy and affordable.