Stories + Resources Insights for Entrepreneurs
Explore our curated content hub for entrepreneurs. Dive into expert insights, success stories, and practical advice to fuel your business growth and personal development.

Confessions of a University Junkie
Bill is the president of 98 Corporate Group Resources Ltd., a privately held company that specializes in public company administrative management and corporate finance. Bill can be reached at btrimble@ninetyeight.com.

Business Practices That Breed Success
John is the CEO and founder of Knowledge Fulcrum, a business that provides organizations with information, tools and resources that help them better inspire their people, align their efforts and empower their staff. You can reach him at john.stepleton@knowledge-fulcrum.com.

When the Worst-Case Scenario Happens
Adam is President of illume, a training and consulting firm that helps companies find and hire top talent using theaward-winning Ionix Hiring System, which he developed in 2004. Adam is a noted recruiting industry expert and speaker. He can be reached at Adam.Robinson@illumallc.com.

How Entrepreneurship Saved My Life
George is the CEO and Founder of Spirit Lodge and The Right Step, renowned rehabilitation centers located in and around Texas. He has 24 years of experience in the field of health and wellness, and has been recognized as “National Counselor of the Year” by The Association of Addiction Professionals. E-mail George at George.Joseph@rightstep.com.