Get in the News
December 1, 2006
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Lee and Stephanie Prosenjak opened Cherry Creek Dance 14 years ago with about 15 students, one dance room and a loan of US$10,000 from Stephanie’s grandmother. CCD currently has four dance rooms and more than 1,100 students, including the largest adult dance program in Colorado. In addition, Lee and Stephanie founded a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the arts through education and performance. Lee serves as the Forum Co-Chair for EO Colorado and a Forum Moderator. Look for Lee and Stephanie at the EO Tokyo University, 27-31 March 2007.
Lee and Stephanie Prosenjak opened Cherry Creek Dance 14 years ago with about 15 students, one dance room and a loan of US$10,000 from Stephanie’s grandmother. CCD currently has four dance rooms and more than 1,100 students, including the largest adult dance program in Colorado. In addition, Lee and Stephanie founded a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the arts through education and performance. Lee serves as the Forum Co-Chair for EO Colorado and a Forum Moderator. Look for Lee and Stephanie at the EO Tokyo University, 27-31 March 2007.
My introduction to EO two years ago was at a learning event featuring Brian Scudamore and Cameron Herold from 1-800-GOT-JUNK. They were giving their marketing presentation about media hits and how to use them to your advantage. By the end of the presentation, I was sold on EO and my wheels were spinning with ideas for my own business. I went home wondering how I could drive more publicity.
We used their leverage technique of getting picked up on one television station’s news and then making sure to tell all the other stations that they were missing out unless they picked up the story, too. Sure enough, this strategy worked and we got another station to buy in. This was all done with a lot of carefully choreographed emails of the press release sent out in the middle of the night, when I work at my best.
During these late night online forays, I do a lot of work online— investing and conducting research.I spend time almost every night searching for one of the many opportunities out there waiting just for me as part of my home remedy for an over-stressed mind. In fact, I’ve purchased a car online and even purchased investment properties sight unseen. Online work is my way of winding down each day.
Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time on the EO website. I’ve found all sorts of great ideas there for my role as Forum Co-Chair and Forum Moderator, as well as general business items. One night, I submitted the story of our company in response to a PressPass posting on the website.
EO PressPass is a place where reporters from all over the world contact EO members regarding different story ideas for which they need expertise. On this particular night, I located a story idea posted by a reporter who had contacted EO looking for an entrepreneur to run a financial portfolio for the magazine BusinessWeek: SmallBiz. I got a call at the studio the next morning from the publisher, who wanted to find out more about me so she could approve the story concept and have the reporter start right away. For this piece, I was set up with two different financial planners who offered some great insight into the real estate problem I was having at that time. This was free advice from two different professionals! Some was eventually printed in the article and some was not.
Now, I routinely take a look at the EO website about once each week and sort the listings by when each article idea was posted— I don’t want to miss out on any possible leads. And I’m sure there’s even more that I have yet to discover on EOnetwork that I never knew about before.
If you’d like to find out what I’ve found so far and how, don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m happy to share the information I’ve found on this often unrecognized benefit of EO membership. I bet there are some things you could find, too, with a little online exploring of your own.