Ironman Entrepreneur
October 16, 2017
Brandon Dempsey’s entrepreneurial journey changed significantly when he decided to run Ironman. With significant hours of training and planning required, he could no longer put in the 70–80 hour work weeks. He also had to be more organized and rely more on his team. This paradigm shift, he says, eventually improved business development in his organization and even enhanced personal relationships, including his marriage.
“Running toward that finish line, I started thinking back to all those workouts I had done that were part of a larger goal that had been diligently thought out. In business, your success is only a celebration of the diligent planning and execution of that plan,” Brandon says. Read more on his Ironman transformation in his 2013 Octane blog post.
EO has also had a significant impact on his successful evolution as a business leader, father and husband. With EO, “Money and time are no longer obstacles. I’m focused more on my leadership and how I can impact the people in my community. I can see the world so differently.”
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