Kate Morgan: Leadership vs. Entrepreneurship
December 13, 2016

Kate Morgan is an EO Boston member and founder of Boston Human Capital Partners
“In my perspective, there is leadership and then there is entrepreneurship. Leadership illustrates the ability to see the goal and make it to the end. It utilizes heavy left-sided brain functioning to move from point A to B. Entrepreneurship represents fleshing out an idea, based on one part creativity, one part execution, and the remainder sheer guts. My mind leans right. That creative piece of the brain helped me envision athriving consulting firm in a space that was not formerly pursued. Imagining a new service and bringing it to fruition has—at times—felt like a freefall. EO helps me stay grounded when I need it; in short, it is the proverbial wind behind my ideas when I seek to hoist them up.
“Like most entrepreneurs, I am not a person that you would see as vulnerable, but we all have underbellies. Some days, things go well. Other times, we’re riddled with unplanned roadblocks. It is critical to our development to find peers that can help us foster our personal and professional growth. My forum has served as my safe haven for just that. Participants encompass a wide range of businesses, but they share many commonalities. They are my sounding board, and they fuel my own desire to be better.”
As Founder and CEO of Boston Human Capital Partners, Kate Morgan started her consulting firm in 2011, on the heels of the recession. Her team of talent acquisition strategists execute aggressive growth plans for the hi-tech market. Kate’s extensive background in Sales and Recruiting inspired her to revolutionize the recruitment industry by developing an embedded partner approach to solving complex staffing challenges, which has become Boston Human Capital Partner’s hallmark. Team members’ expertise and fluidity within business and technology has them a reputation as unparalleled trusted advisors and allies to clients’ executive teams. Headquartered in Boston, Boston Human Capital Partners services clients nationally and on a global scale.