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The Key to Achieving Your Goals: Empower Your Strength

October 27, 2017

Jane Bolin is a strong woman. Literally. She’s competed in women’s Strongman competitions. She’s also played rugby and football. These extra-curricular pursuits kept Jane busy during the hours she wasn’t working on her “real” job as a South Florida entrepreneur. Throughout her journey, she’s discovered ways to amplify her strength and she recently shared these insights

altJane Bolin is a strong woman. Literally. She’s competed in women’s Strongman competitions. She’s also played rugby and football. These extra-curricular pursuits kept Jane busy during the hours she wasn’t working on her “real” job as a South Florida entrepreneur.

Throughout her journey, she’s discovered ways to amplify her strength and she recently shared these insights with an audience of women entrepreneurs from across the globe. Read Jane’s story, the second article in EO’s Empower series.
