My Full-Throttle Forum Experience
March 1, 2012
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In this analogy, the engine symbolizes my business, and this one-stop shop is my Forum. Six months ago, I faced a big challenge in my business; the type that adds stress and distraction demons to your life. And these demons have one goal: to destroy productivity and efficiency, while shifting your path without you realizing it. And that is exactly what happened. My mind was consumed by this huge challenge, and the office seemed like a lousy place to visit. Just like with a car engine, I needed to tune my business and seek assistance from the experts.
With nowhere to turn, I decided to take this challenge up with my Forum. To be honest, I wasn’t enthused about the idea at first. I had already tried many things to resolve the issue, and the nature of my company was completely different than that of my peers’ businesses. What could they offer that I didn’t already know? I didn’t believe there would be a positive outcome if I presented the problem to my Forum. Those kinds of deconstructive thoughts kept spinning in my mind … but I decided to take the leap anyway.
Trusting my Forum was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As I walked away from my Forum that day, I felt very thankful, hopeful, optimistic and glad to be a part of such a supportive team. I left feeling completely tuned and modified. I got what I needed all along: other engines to help refuel my own. Since that day, my Forum has taken a big leap up my ladder of priorities. Now, I will never underestimate the power of Forum and its far-reaching impact on my life and business. It truly is a one-stop shop for an entrepreneur’s needs.
Muaz Kadi is a GM of Aldiyar almoutawara, a real estate development and investment management business. Fun fact: If Muaz resigns from his job and works as a pilot, he might fly less. E-mail Muaz at