Tips from 5 Entrepreneurs Who are Making $30 million in their 30s
October 16, 2015

What do a director of a women’s health initiative, a founder of a beauty product line and the lead designer at a marketing agency all have in common? They’re part of a group of five entrepreneurs who are on target to hit business valuations of AU$30 million in their 30s.
They’re also EO members in Australia, whose female membership is at an all-time high – and increasing. We asked these five women for their top three pieces of advice, words of wisdom or experiences they could share with other women interested in starting their own business. Here’s what they had to say:
Tamara Trentain, Creative Director at three companies: FivePointFour, Hot Tresses, and Mitara
– Sweat equity is the best startup capital.
– Don’t be afraid to be disruptive.
– Entrench social responsible in your business model from the start.
Jellaine Dee, Founder of Cherry Blooms
– Cultivate belief in yourself and always work on this along the way.
– Self-worth is a huge benefit to help you achieve your goals.
-If deep down you do not actually believe you can do it or are worthy of success; you will sabotage yourself along the way.
Lena Fishman, Director at The Detail
– Work with your passion and find a way to change the world for the better.
– Dream big, create a plan, work hard and always put your well-being first.
– Join your local EO chapter. I could not have done it without the shared experiences of my EO forum group.
Aimee Engelmann, CEO of Beepo
– Take risks and consider, “What is the worst that could happen?” Deal with it, move on and make your dreams happen.
– Take advice from people that know more than you and pay decent money for the best advice.
– Join EO and be surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurs – it can be lonely sometimes.
Mia Klitsas, Director of Millie & More
– Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that it’s a marathon and not a sprint.
– In business (as in life), there are ups and downs, good times and bad, wins and losses; but in my experience these are all ultimately good things – they’re constant reminders that you’re continuously learning and doing things differently.
– Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t, but when I make mistakes, I just remind myself that it’s part of being a risk taker; if it were that easy, everyone would be doing it!
Read more stories and tips from women entrepreneurs by clicking the “31 Days of WOMENtrepreneurs” tag below!